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Favor Your Football Team

How to make a man cave in honor of your football team

The Midwest is well known for its love for football. We are the heartland of America after all. The football teams from our region compliment the colors found in our shed builder perfectly, whether you are a Browns fan wanting orange and brown tones or black and yellow for Pittsburgh. Nothing beats having your own man cave to cheer on your favorite teams all year round. So, whether you are looking to cheer on your town’s team, college football team, or NFL team, there are options to make this man cave perfect for you.

JDM offers a wide assortment of paints and stains, along with different areas on your shed to accentuate your team's colors. Whether you plan to use your team's color palate or would like small accents throughout, you can find the perfect customization options in our shed builder.

In addition to the appearance of the exterior of your shed, get creative with how you make the space comfortable for game-watching and celebrating. Cover your walls with jerseys, fill your cupboards with snacks, and make that couch comfortable for you and your guest. Start customizing your own shed today by heading to our virtual shed builder.


Cleveland Browns Shed


Pittsburgh Steelers Shed


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